Google Maps Update For Covid-19

Adjusting to the new norms is the most powerful thing you can do. Using Google Maps to make those adjustments is being smart! As we fight our way through this prolonged pandemic, in-flight adjustments must become your norm.

What is Google Maps doing to help navigate the pandemic? They are making travel safer by providing updates to help you find health facilities, make business-related updates, receive transit alerts, restaurant updates, and making it easier to avoid crowds. See COVID-19 Google Maps updates.

See Google Maps updates.

Google Maps Update Rolls Out 4 Brand New Features

Google Maps Update

Greetings, business owners; if you don’t know about the latest Google Maps Update rollouts, you will likely be pretty impressed. We always inform local businesses to keep abreast of the newest rollouts and always ensure that their Google My Business page is SEO optimized.

Additionally, you should be scheduling posts regularly and responding to all customer queries and reviews in a timely fashion. That stated, let’s take a look at the latest four new features of Google Maps.

Google Street View

Street View User Contributions

The popularity of Google Street View goes without saying. Anyone who travels a lot, sells real estate, or is a business to business sales representative, can attest to the power of having a street view at their fingertips.

One huge issue was, the ONLY way to get street view was if the Google Street Car ventured into and recorded that area. Granted, they have done a great job, but with this latest update, anyone can put the power of street view into the palm of their hands.

Folks, this is a game-changer!

If you think outside the box, you can incentivize your customers to take street views for you and use them as social media magnets to draw people to your place of business.

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Google Maps Community

This new community feed helps you find out what’s going on in your neck of the woods with minimal effort.

Let’s say a vegan restaurant just added some new dishes to their menu. Or maybe they’re having a special taste test night; with this new feature, you will instantly know about these events.

You can browse your feed to find recommendations tailored to your interests.

This new update’s simplicity is this; all a person has to do is input their interests, and BAM!

They have a feed that caters to their pursuits. From a business owners’ perspective, you want to optimize your Google My Business page so that you show up in the Google 3 Packs and show up in this feed.

Google Community Feed
Updated Performance Insights

Updated Performance Insights

These new performance insights are just what you need to get a better feel for your customer base. You get to understand how customers found you as well as the type of device they used, a mobile device or a computer. The latest list of metrics will turn you into a Google Maps guru!

Messaging From Maps & Search

Imagine a potential customer is in their car searching for a spinach salmon salad that you happen to offer. They log into Google Maps, put in some keywords, and you pop up on the Google 3 Pack along with other businesses.

They see your pictures and decide to send you a message asking if you have spinach salmon salad. You respond with an affirmative and possibly an incentive to get them to come in TODAY! This messaging is a game changer!

Messaging From Maps & Search